Sunday, February 19, 2012

Food Tour

After looking at my pictures from the last week I have concluded that I am not studying abroad, but rather conducting an extensive food tour of France. My journal, which contains the following list of foods that I have tried since arriving (banh bao, rice with chopped peanuts and sugar, banh couh, carmel pork, durian, speculoos, pave du poulet, foie gras, dauphin potatoes) displays similar evidence. Last weekend I actually visited a traveling show entitled Salon du Chocolate. It was, as you are probably imaging, literally a warehouse full of chocolate vendors. The pictures below come nowhere near capturing the amazing flavors I have experience, but they are all I have. Bon appetite!

A field of chocolate flowers


Me and my new best friend

Arles Market

Pave du Poulet and Dauphin Potatoes

Vegetables from beneath the rotisserie
Baguette, Sausage, and Comte Cheese

Raspberry, Coffee, and Vanilla Macaroons

Tiramisu Ice Cream

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